Monday, October 10, 2011

For the Beauty of the Earth

My International Board at Mochigase Junior High School for October

Today and every day, I am thankful for oh-so-many things:

For my parents who, while they don't pretend to understand why I would want to up and leave to yet another unknown country, always support me when I decide I do. 

For my beautiful brothers and their efforts to protect me even when I'm halfway around the world. 

For friends and family scattered across the globe, but only an email away.

For the kindness of strangers, of friends, and of strangers who have become friends.

For all of my international neighbours at Copo Hestia; the Singaporians who feed me while listening to my rants, the Brits who make me laugh, the Kiwis who calm me, the Americans who sound like me, and the Canadians who just "get" me.

For patience - both my own and that of the many people who have to explain and re-explain the way the world works to the clueless, confused foreigner on a daily basis.

For my wonderfully warm colleagues who bend over backwards to understand me in English and applaud my pseudo-Japanese.

For the healing properties of a solitary walk, a slice (or two) of chocolate cake, and a good night's sleep.

For crazily and beautifully chaotic moments followed by blessedly silent ones.

For hiking, biking, dancing, soccer-ing, frisbee-ing, and anything that clears my head and gets my heart pumping.

For Ochidani Park with its endless trees and walking paths.

For the ubiquitous presence of familiar music, be it Debussy, Duke, or Disney.

For just the right song Shuffling its way into my ears.

For okonomiyaki, curry, and salmon sushi -- to name a few new favourites.

For how far a smile can get you.

For a sense of humour when you have little else.

For lazy Sundays.

For climbing into bed at the end of another long, eventful, and ultimately satisfying day.

"You can kiss your family and friends good-bye and put miles between you, but at the same time you carry them with you in your heart, your mind, your stomach, because you do not just live in a world, but a world lives in you." (Frederich Buechner)

For this, and much more, I am thankful.