It's a sad day when you're too big to sit on the old man's lap. |
Dear Santa,
I want:
- time to stop while I’m sleeping so I can recharge without losing a precious minute of daytime possibility.
- decisiveness. Whether relational, vocational, or geographical, I struggle to make decisions both large and small. Although I rarely lose any sleep, I do spend hours making lists of pros and cons on matters such as, “should I stay in Japan another year?”, “Should I register for nursing and get on a career path before I’m 30?”, “Should I let this angsty, hormonal teen know that I know what “eigo baka”* means or should I just smile and play dumb?”
- more of the heart-melting moments that make the enormous language barriers in an elementary school classroom so worth it.
- the world to know what a wonderfully supportive family I have and how grateful I am to call them mine!
- to watch three consecutive Christmas movies from the comfort of my bed.
- to be able to sit seiza for the duration of a tea ceremony without my lower limbs screaming for blood or failing to hold my weight afterwards.
- 150 lbs of Mars bars, reasonably-priced apples, and old cheddar cheese.
- a robot that does housework. Yes, I live alone. Yes, my apartment is cozy. Nevertheless, I still want one. Don’t you?
- to go to church on Christmas Eve without feeling like an intruder.
- more music-making. However, I also want to stay on good terms with my neighbours. So, what I really want are the words to explain to employees at a nearby karaoke spot that I’d like to rent a room in which to practice.
- to be fluent in Japanese. Preferably upon waking up Christmas Day morning.
- a sense of direction. I can’t say for sure, having never had one, but it seems handy.
- more laughter, more challenges, and more growth throughout the coming year.
- and, finally, as always, I really, really want a teleporter. Seriously, think about it. It would make both of our lives a lot easier!
Your not-so-grown-up friend,
*English idiot