Saturday, July 7, 2012

With a little help from my friends

We are Frisbears!

I’m not big on goodbyes. In my experience, they’re melodramatic, messy, and emotionally exhausting. As a result, I prefer “take care”, or “see you later”, or, as one (privately-tutored) elementary school student is fond of stating, in a slightly robotic, no nonsense international-businesswoman-to-be drone, “see you again.”

That said, over the next few weeks, I will be giving heartfelt hugs and handshakes to a number of people moving on to new and exciting challenges as they return to respective homes worldwide. These individuals, along with others who are (thankfully) sticking around, have been essential not only in my adjustment to life in Japan, but also in my decision to re-contract for another year. Individually and collectively, they have helped me more over the past eleven months than I can ever hope to pay forward. So, instead, I’ll say “thank you.”

To angels who order at restaurants, sort out Softbank cell phone plans, and provide all sorts of translation and counseling services with a smile and a generosity that boggles the mind.

To mommies who unclog drains, offer unsolicited advice, and try to fatten me up with continual gifts of food and dinner invitations. (And who may or may not have twisted my rubber arm into breaking Lent in Osaka.)

The trip was in March, but I can still taste these treats.
(Clockwise from top left: an apple bread baked in crunchy bitter
caramel, a white chocolate and cream-filled roll,
a dark chocolate and walnut bun, and an egg tart.) 

To long-time enthusiasts and recent converts to the awe (both “some” and “ful”) that is karaoke. And for not groaning when I choose Adele’s “Someone like You” or Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” for the umpteenth time.

To brave gaijin (foreigner) drivers who aren’t chicken like me. (Although, with the near-illiteracy, inherent lack of direction, and the driving on the opposite side of the road, my not being behind the wheel is for the best.)

To the big brother and sister living upstairs who not only put up with my periodic screechy-cat violin (the result of a few fast and furious practices before another “concert” at a school or community gathering after weeks of not touching the thing), but who are gracious enough to offer compliments when next our busy paths cross.

To anyone who’s left some little surprise (a sweet treat, a promised book, a sheet of stickers) hanging on my apartment’s doorknob or in my mailbox. Little gestures go a long way.

Choco-pan (a sweet bread filled
with chocolate pudding)

and thoughtfulness never fail
to make my day!

To the faithful FaceBookers whose detailed posts about daily life never fail to amuse, to enlighten, or to brighten my day!

This wordsmith has a gift for twisting sunshine into even the most
tiresome events of everyday life. 

To writers around the world who’ve kept in touch through snail mail and electronic means. Your words of encouragement and curiosity over that long, dreary winter kept me warm when I couldn’t feel my fingers.

These are coming home with me this summer,
so please, send more!

To my hometown (home continent – same thing!) crowd here in Japan for understanding my point of view when no one else is able or willing. And for feeding me comfort food

like mac and cheese
and homeade apple pie!

To all of the lovely Japanese co-workers who do their best to communicate with the slightly odd foreigner girl who shows up every week with a freshly sunburnt nose, increasingly Einstein hair, and who can still only follow the most basic of conversation.

To my international Japanese friends (i.e. those who’ve spent time working or studying overseas, thus having acquired a much broader view of the world than the average rural Japanese person) for your patience ears, your careful consideration, and your thoughtful explanations. Your insights into this weird and wonderful world I’ve been calling home for the past year have been indispensable!

To those special few who possess the ability to see things from a different perspective and who take time to hear out my frustration and confusion before offering some small nugget of wisdom to consider.

 To anyone who makes me laugh until I cry.


I am so grateful to have met you all. I wouldn’t have made it this far without you. Take care, and see you again, okay?