Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Dear God,

I lead such a blessed existence. I don’t know why you are so good to me, or how my life factors into the grand design, but I am so glad and grateful for my time in this gorgeous, glorious universe of yours.

Thank you for your tangible presence throughout this month, and especially over the past few days. Time and time again, I have seen you in the faces and actions of those around me. Don’t think I haven’t noticed.

As you well know, I am currently facing one of the biggest decisions of my life. (Twenty years from now, the previous statement may read melodramatic and trivial, but, in this moment, it could not be more meaningful or true.) Commit to another year of unfathomable curiosity, change, and challenge, or head for the nearest and dearest green grass of home?

Never one to make a quick decision, this dilemma is, without question, resulting in the most excruciatingly extended list of pros and cons I’ve yet to write.

Long story short, friend, if you have any grace or guidance to give, I am all ears.

Until then, I remain most gratefully yours,


P.S. Happy belated birthday!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My Grown-up Christmas List

It's a sad day when you're too big to sit on the old man's lap.

Dear Santa,

I want:

-          time to stop while I’m sleeping so I can recharge without losing a precious minute of daytime possibility.
-          decisiveness. Whether relational, vocational, or geographical, I struggle to make decisions both large and small. Although I rarely lose any sleep, I do spend hours making lists of pros and cons on matters such as, “should I stay in Japan another year?”, “Should I register for nursing and get on a career path before I’m 30?”, “Should I let this angsty, hormonal teen know that I know what “eigo baka”* means or should I just smile and play dumb?”
-          more of the heart-melting moments that make the enormous language barriers in an elementary school classroom so worth it.
-          the world to know what a wonderfully supportive family I have and how grateful I am to call them mine!  
-          to watch three consecutive Christmas movies from the comfort of my bed.
-          to be able to sit seiza for the duration of a tea ceremony without my lower limbs screaming for blood or failing to hold my weight afterwards.
-          150 lbs of Mars bars, reasonably-priced apples, and old cheddar cheese.
-          a robot that does housework. Yes, I live alone. Yes, my apartment is cozy. Nevertheless, I still want one. Don’t you?
-          to go to church on Christmas Eve without feeling like an intruder.
-          more music-making. However, I also want to stay on good terms with my neighbours. So, what I really want are the words to explain to employees at a nearby karaoke spot that I’d like to rent a room in which to practice.
-          to be fluent in Japanese. Preferably upon waking up Christmas Day morning.
-          a sense of direction. I can’t say for sure, having never had one, but it seems handy.
-          more laughter, more challenges, and more growth throughout the coming year.
-          and, finally, as always, I really, really want a teleporter. Seriously, think about it. It would make both of our lives a lot easier!

Your not-so-grown-up friend,


*English idiot

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Autumn's Here

Entrance to Ochidani Park

A thinking place

A freak downpour...

...followed by a hint of rainbow.

"The trees they grow so high..."

...and still I cannot read.

The K-Car: especially popular with ALTs.

This blooming bush missed the memo (or maybe it doesn't understand Japanese.)

Thursday, November 10, 2011

(un)Building a Mystery

I live in a land...*

-          where manly teachers don “The Very Hungry Caterpillar” aprons to eat lunch with their elementary school students.
where fourth-graders school me in reading, writing, geography, and pear-peeling.
-          where a junior high school choir’s crescendo darn near causes my heart to explode.
-          where teachers occasionally swat disobedient/disruptive/disrespectful students on the hand/head/behind, but rarely raise their voice.
-          where is it not uncommon to see junior and senior high school students in their school uniforms on week-ends. In fact, it is uncommon to see them wear much else.
-          where even the punkiest and jockiest of junior high school boys lean on and drape their arms around each other affectionately, seemingly oblivious to their female counterparts.
-          where fifteen-year old boys want to know if I wear a wig, their female classmates intently stroke the hair on my arms, and their elementary school-aged siblings sit behind me on the bus whispering to each other about my kiniro (golden) hair moments before surreptitiously trying to tug out a souvenir strand or two. 
-          where the supposedly ubiquitous “shyness” of students takes effect the moment class begins and ends, rather coincidentally, with the bell.
-          where students’ periodic power-naps are sometimes permitted.
-          where eight hours of sleep is a luxury. For everyone.
-          where people in power lead by example, meaning that principals sweep during soji (cleaning time) and get dirty like everyone else.
-          where I describe countless places, events, and objects as kire (beautiful) because I am not especially funny, intelligent, or articulate in Japanese.
-          where I suspect that the reason I am perpetually described as kire is because I am not especially funny, intelligent, or articulate in Japanese.

I live in a land...

-          where a good bow is as important as a firm hand-shake back home.
-          where observation is my ally, and music my super-power.
-          where people professing to speak “no English” are often far more capable of carrying on a conversation in my mother tongue than I am with the minimal Japanese they praise me for knowing.
-          where enkais and naked communal bathing (gender-specific, of course) are two popular and widely-accepted forms of team-building.
-          where liquid courage, or nommunication**, results in one of my (otherwise non-English-speaking) bosses and I having a lengthy late-night “chat” that, I kid you not, consists solely of snippets of Simon and Garfunkel songs.

I live in a land...

-          that runs like a well-oiled machine, where public transit is tidy and timely, where everyone seems to know their place and purpose, and where every decision is discussed, considered, re-considered, and agreed upon before any action is taken.
-          where the stifling of individual desires is the accepted price of universal harmony.
-          where life is neatly compartmentalized into “work” and “play”, “public” and “private”.
-          where, as a civil servant and one of few blue-eyed, blond-haired folk, I sometimes feel, as one sempai (upper-year ALT) put it, “like a panda in the zoo.”

I live in a land...

-          where adults go about their daily lives in such a way as to draw the least amount of attention to themselves, thereby disturbing those around them as little as possible.
-          where surgical masks are worn by the sick trying to prevent spreading their contagion and by the healthy hoping to stay infection-free.
-          where delicious “Christmas” mandarin oranges appear in the grocery store prior to Halloween, along with gaudy decorations and nauseatingly peppy holiday muzak.
-          where spending 640 yen at the 100 yen (i.e. dollar) store can inexplicably result in a ten-pack of free eggs.

I live in a land...

-          that simultaneously clarifies and confuses, challenges and amuses, irritates and inspires, exhausts and excites, disgusts and delights, stretches and stresses and warms my heart while blowing my mind. 
-          where I do my best to “when in Rome”, yet still manage to unintentionally make the most awful and offensive faux-pas (commonly known as “gaijin-smashing”***) on a near-daily basis.
-          where learning to trust is often smarter and always simpler than trying to understand.
-          where small but significant acts of kindness never fail to occur when I least expect and most need them.
-          where, every day, another aspect of life loses a little more of its mystery and makes a little more sense.

*A reminder: I live in Tottori. This is the land to which the following points refer. I make no attempt to comment on life in Tokyo or in any other place in Japan that I’ve yet to visit.

**Please visit this blog for a thorough description: 
(I can't figure out how to link this, so please copy and paste it into the browser. For those less technologically-savvy than I, my apologies!)

***I am constantly adding to the list. The question is whether or not I want to admit to everything on it.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


A is for Anne of Green Gables.
I may have scared my Special Ed students while acting out this part of the story.

B is for bus stop.
Sanuki village at rush hour

C is for cheese. 
making mozzarella magic 

D is for doughnuts.
Not as good as Tim Horton's, but they do the trick.

E is for egg-citing times!
cooking class at Garrett's house

F is for farmland.
A twenty-minute bike-ride takes me home.

G is for getting creative with food.
Meet Anko-man. He is made of a popular sweet red bean paste.

H is for hiking.
"Better Living" in Chizu, pre-12km walk

I is for international boards.
September was self-introduction month.

J is for joking around at the Jinpukaku Mansion.
imperative Iron Man pose for my papa

K is for Kyusho Mountain.
A bird's eye view of Tottori City by day...

and by dusk. (Climbing down in the dark was...a once-in-a-lifetime experience.)

L is for live music.
All That Jazz performing a beautiful set of standards

M is for mascots.
at the Tottori University Festival

N is for new friends in new places.
bonding at the beach

O is for Ochidani Park.
my sanctuary

P is for praying mantis.
a popular pet for elementary school students

Q is for quite likely the most comprehensive medical exam of my life. 
Which I passed with flying colours!

 R is for a room with a view.
(inside the Jinpukaku mansion)

S is for speech contests...
My student came second in his age division,

and shrines.
so we went to the nearby Ube shrine to give thanks.

T is for temples.
This breath-taking place is in Wakasa (pop. 4,000).

And for toilet slippers. 
Pink for girls, and blue for boys.

U is for unexpected packages.
Santa's got her shtick together!

V is for vending machines.
Hot or cold coffee, pop, energy drinks, and cigarettes; you can get it all on the street. 

W is for warm welcomes.
A lovely poster left by my predecessor, Patrick, and a pile of presents (omiyage) from staff at Mochigase. 

X is for extra large, please!
This girl's got great big gaijin feet!

Y is for youtube.
my window to the world

Z is for the zookeeper’s son in this book.
A modern Canadian classic that I found in my apartment.

Monday, October 10, 2011

For the Beauty of the Earth

My International Board at Mochigase Junior High School for October

Today and every day, I am thankful for oh-so-many things:

For my parents who, while they don't pretend to understand why I would want to up and leave to yet another unknown country, always support me when I decide I do. 

For my beautiful brothers and their efforts to protect me even when I'm halfway around the world. 

For friends and family scattered across the globe, but only an email away.

For the kindness of strangers, of friends, and of strangers who have become friends.

For all of my international neighbours at Copo Hestia; the Singaporians who feed me while listening to my rants, the Brits who make me laugh, the Kiwis who calm me, the Americans who sound like me, and the Canadians who just "get" me.

For patience - both my own and that of the many people who have to explain and re-explain the way the world works to the clueless, confused foreigner on a daily basis.

For my wonderfully warm colleagues who bend over backwards to understand me in English and applaud my pseudo-Japanese.

For the healing properties of a solitary walk, a slice (or two) of chocolate cake, and a good night's sleep.

For crazily and beautifully chaotic moments followed by blessedly silent ones.

For hiking, biking, dancing, soccer-ing, frisbee-ing, and anything that clears my head and gets my heart pumping.

For Ochidani Park with its endless trees and walking paths.

For the ubiquitous presence of familiar music, be it Debussy, Duke, or Disney.

For just the right song Shuffling its way into my ears.

For okonomiyaki, curry, and salmon sushi -- to name a few new favourites.

For how far a smile can get you.

For a sense of humour when you have little else.

For lazy Sundays.

For climbing into bed at the end of another long, eventful, and ultimately satisfying day.

"You can kiss your family and friends good-bye and put miles between you, but at the same time you carry them with you in your heart, your mind, your stomach, because you do not just live in a world, but a world lives in you." (Frederich Buechner)

For this, and much more, I am thankful.